

Hey guys!  Woah, I've totally been MIA this week, sorry about that, I'm not sure where the week went to...but hey, tomorrow is Friday already!  Woohoo!  And it's not just any weekend, for some of us it's a long weekend!  I don't really have much planned, I'll be sticking around Toronto.  I hope to at least get out and drink some good coffee, maybe enjoy a delicious pastry of some sort and do a little window shopping.  

This time last year I was packing my bags to head to New York with my good friend Noémie.  Unfortunately this year it's not quite in the budget just yet :( but, Noémie is going and I'm so jealous excited for her!  All this New York talk got me looking at some photos I took while we were there last year and I thought I would share a few.

Our first day there it was 18 degrees! (in February!) 

Brunch at one of my favorite restaurants in NYC, Cafe Gitane

Took this one of the steps at Opening Ceremony to send to my boo <3

We made it to Brooklyn!

 And the Brooklyn Flea Market

Hope you all have a great long weekend whether you spend it traveling or at home!

I <3 NY!


  1. 18 degrees in feb...oh man! that's crazy!
    awwww i need to get to brooklyn next time!

    1. Yeah, we totally lucked out on the weather that day! Definitely have to see more of Brooklyn on my next trip!

  2. I definitely missed you this time around! Warm weather trip ASAP!
