
Happy Long Weekend!

Woo!  Friday is finally here and aren't you guys so excited it's a long weekend!?  So far so good on my end, I got to leave work early, the weather is gorgeous;  let's hope things keep up this way!  I have absolutely no plans for the next 3 days which is alright with me.  I mean, part of me wishes I was going somewhere or doing something exciting, but I'm also cool with having a little staycation and working on some projects I've been wanting to put some more time into.  

I hope you all have a great holiday and in the meantime, here are some instagram photos of what I've been up to lately in the city (which might just look like eating, haha).

Yum!  Pork Belly Banh Mi from Banh Mi Boys
My knock off of a salad I had in Singapore at ODP - Warm snap pea, spinach & broccoli salad with goat cheese and toasted pine nuts 
Brunch at the Keriwa Cafe
Peonies are so pretty - a little bouquet I bought myself on a bad day
 My pink elephant watering can from the dollar store makes me smile
 Inspiration Saturday
 International magazines, one of the best parts of travelling
 Fish & Chips pinic (with fish already devoured)


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